Sunday, April 22, 2012

12-21 April 2012, Leaving for St Helena

12 Apr 2012

Day of departure. Lots of hassles getting the sat phone to work, so departure was delayed some what to 15:00. Started motors and motored out of Hout Bay. Once clear of Kabonkelberg we set the spinnaker for a glorious sail with one motor helping a little.

13 Apr 2012

 All fine until 08:00 next morning when an alarm went off showing low voltage. House batteries down to 11.7volts. Obviously the alternators were not charging – decision time – do we carry on with no charging and hope when all are feeling better that we can fix it or turn round and head for Saldanha – quick decision head back to Saldanha.
Arrived at Mykonos 17:30 and managed to get a motor electrician out who found the ignition connection to the alternator was not connected therefore no excitation and no charge. He installed a manual switch for the ignition and we were back in business.
We spent the night tried up to the fueling jetty in Mykonos as the forecast was not good _ North westerly – and it was Friday.

14 Apr 2012

Morning spent sail repairs. Genny UV strip stitching needed repair in places. Top upwith fuel from the jerry cans +-100 lt. Changed oil in Starboard engine. Got a Grib map and decided to leave. Cast off 14-00hrs, cleared Heads by 15:15 into a Westerly. Curry and rice for supper.
During the night the AC power shut down.

15 Apr 2012

Position at 12:00 32 13.734S 016 02.7E
Fault on AC caused by the plug in the galley that had got wet and shorted. Don’t know if this has damaged the Invertor. With out AC no spark for the hob – so cold spicy chicken for supper. Fault finding when feeling better.

16 Apr 2012

Position 12:00 31 24.387S 13 51.608E
Wind backed to SW so up with spinnaker and off with motor. George feeling fit enough to tackle the gas problem. On taking the AC plug out found the burnt out plug and wires corroded off the gas isolating switches and switches corroded too. George dug into the bottom of the hob to trace the gas problem. Joyce took a picture of him under it – you will have to wait to see it. However, he eventually got the gas sorted by by-passing the hob switch, so now we have to reply on the main breaker to isolate the gas. Hoorah hot Chicken pie tonight – thanks Debbie.

Gas problem solved but not the invertor, which means the freezer is not working and the meat will thaw- how’s hoping we will not loose to much.

17 Apr 2012

Position 12:00 SA time 30 00.26S 11 48.935E
Had fun and games in the middle of the night just as George took over from Rob. The wind backed and threw the autohelm into a major tiss. I decided as it was very dark to dump all sails and motor until we could see and sort things out.
Put the spinnaker with no main up this morning – great sail we were doing 7 – 8 knots, but then the autohelm decided to not behave. It does no like sailing straight down wind. Dropped spinnaker and have been running with just the genny – slow but easier to handle. Having to use the SA flag as a windex as the wind instrument is definitely not showing the right direction. It operates between 90 and 120 port only.
Had the desalinator working producing good water.
Steak for supper tonight – got to eat the good stuff quickly.

18 Apr 2012

Position 12:00 SA time 28 54.504S 9 59.545E
Wind up and sea lumpy with swells up to 4+m not the most pleasant day.
Steak again tonight – just got to eat the good stuff before it goes off.

19 Apr 2012

Position 14:00 SA time 27 04.679S 008 46.403E
At last we have reached the tradewinds proper. Amazing how everyone immediately feels much better. The wind constant 12 – 14knots from the SSE – spinnaker up and cruising at a constant 6+ knots – sea state down so the thumping has all but gone. Much more pleasant and the reason why we are going this way.
Supper a delicious steak and mushrooms.

20 April 2012

Position 14:00 SA time -1 25 30.319S 006 29.263E
As the sun was setting at 19:00hrs and only getting up around 08:00 I made the unilateral decision to turn the clocks back 1 hour. Another great day of trade wind sailing. Bag has now been (our only sail up) up for two days – lets hope it stays that way for the next seven – when we get to St Helena. With the sea state much calmer, George decided to investigate the gas problem and thank goodness he did. He found that the leak, which has cost us a full bottle of gas was caused by the original installation of the gas shut-off valves. The box they were in had been drilled to allow the pipes through, but one hole was badly misaligned. So instead of correcting the fault the person had used silicon to seal the connection. The gas dissolved the silicon and leaked. That installer should be shot. George has temporarly fixed the leak, but will have to realign the hole at some time. We have safe gas again without the shutoff switches, but with a main breaker.
Supper lamb chops and sauté potatoes.

21 Apr 2012

Position 14:00hrs -1 SA 24 14.581S
Been holding on using the port engine as it needs its 50hr oil change, but trying not to wake George up to turn on the alternator excitation started the port. The high alarm wouldn’t turn off so stopped and started the starboard one. Will check it out when we do the oil  change.
Otherwise a lovely day with only a 20-30 degree backing of the wind, which will probably mean a gibe nearer St Helena.
Supper braai in the frying pan as we only have one gas source and have not tested the braai.

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