Friday, April 27, 2012

Landfall in St Helena, 27 April 2012

27 April 2012

Position 09:00 SA time Anchored off James Town St Helena
Wind insisted in bowling us along at 6+ knots. Too fast for daylight arrival, so at the end of my watch down came the spinnaker up went the genny and we slowed down to 4 odd knots. 20 nm to go called up St Helena Radio. Very prompt response. We must anchor - the laid buoys have been removed after a yacht was lost when one failed. We were securely anchored by 07:00 local time. Clearing customs, harbour and immigration proved to be no hassle, but we had to take out medical insurance. Then began the exploring James Town. Lunch at Ann’s Place and supper on the boat.
Supper Chops and savory rice – cancel that the meat is going off, but not bad as we have not had a freezer since Saldanha. Change to bully beef and savory rice.
Having a good rest here which I think we all need.

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