Friday, April 27, 2012

25,26 April 2012

25 April 26, 2012

Position 14:00 -1 SA Time  18 25.710S 002 57.165W
An uneventful day. The morning was spent sitting in the cockpit telling tales – had a few chuckles. As St Helena was now getting closer and we may have to anchor, we spent some time working how to anchor with too little chain – anchorage at St Helena will be in 20 m and we only have 40 meters of chain. Got an elaborate scheme of adding rope rode and then devising some form of bridle. We will see if it works!!
The evening produced some fun and games with squalls sneaking up and clobbering us with up to 26 knots, but our spinnaker shrugged it off and we survived.
Supper Pot roast and rice with fruit cocktail and custard.

26 April 2012

The early morning was still a bit cloudy, but it cleared up into a lovely day, which produced a bit of drama when the spinnaker turning block decided it had had enough and let go. Rush to snuff the spinnaker and set the genny. Then we used the snatch block attached to the cleat as a turning block and reset the spinnaker and in no time were back on track.
Tomorrow we will arrive at St Helena early morning.
Supper Chops rice and mixed veg. Chocolate pud and custard.
Everybody looking forward to landfall tomorrow.

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