Monday, April 30, 2012

28,29 April

28 April 2012

Anchored off James Town.
What a day. Joyce’s  Jehovah Witness friend showed us St Helena. High Knoll Fort, Jonathan at Plantation House, Boer graves, Deadwood plain where the Boers were camped, Millennium Forest – a big restoration project, Longwood house – an amazing tour guide, Bell rock, and I don’t know how many of Rosemund’s family. We got back expecting to find Craig who to deliver 200lts of diesel for which I had drawn 100GBP extra to pay for. No such luck. We will see tomorrow.
Supper Left over from last night

29 April 2012

No diesel today so we will have to delay our departure until tomorrow after getting diesel.
Sorted out the port engine. The problem stemmed from the top rubber seal which was no longer attached to the plate, hence when water leaked in – from the boarding ladder – and got above the seal it set the alarm off. As there is no ways we can attach the top rubber with any hope of success I have disconnected the alarm and will use the engine as normal.
Joyce and George went off to church while Rob and I got hooked up to wifi and managed to get a good grib map down. Therefore looking forward to a fairly gentle sail to Fortaleza.
After lunch at Ann’s Place Rob and I walked up the bottom of Heart Falls and then on to The Briars. No water at the falls and the Briars is now being used as a store and is run down. Disappointing. Beers at Donneys, shower and back to boat. RMS St Helena docked while we were away.
Supper Pork goulash and noodles.
Leaving St Helena today after diesel.


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